give your child a head start
Offering top-tier comprehensive preschool services at no cost to you!
Welcome to the Ashtabula County
Head Start program web site!
Ashtabula County Head Start is a federally funded school readiness program primarily serving children ages 0 to 5. The program also serves pregnant women. Preschool aged children are taught all of the skills necessary for them to not only succeed in Kindergarten but also do so very well. Ashtabula County Head Start is a 5-star rated (via the State of Ohio – Step Up to Quality Program) preschool at all sites in operation, meaning each site provides the highest quality preschool educational services.
In addition to being a school readiness program, Ashtabula County Head Start provides services to families. These services range from goal setting to establishing medical and dental care and many things in between. Ashtabula County Head Start connects with many community organizations to promote and advocate for excellence in preschool education and strong families.
The Ashtabula County Head Start mission statement is as follows:
Ashtabula County Head Start will empower children, families and our community
to succeed by providing support, education and advocacy.
Our program strives to follow the mission with every interaction and include it in our daily work.
Ashtabula County Head Start has been a staple in Ashtabula County since it’s inception in 1965.

Andrea Rosipko, Director
Ashtabula County Head Start