Parent Handbook
Section 5 - Ways for Families to be Involved
Home Visits
Each home visiting participant has a home visit every week for 90 minutes. Take this time to get to know your Home Visitor, talk about your family and let us know what you would like to achieve or what life goals you may have. During each home visit, families must participate with the child and be present throughout the visit.
For families of the children coming to school, 2 home visits will be scheduled. One will be sometime in the beginning of the school year and the other will be scheduled for later in the school year.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
For families with children attending class at school, 2 parent teacher conferences will be held each school year. During these conferences, information about what is going on in the classroom will be shared with the parents along with discussion about progress your child has made. If a parent would like to meet with a teacher at other times, they can contact their child’s teacher directly to ask for a meeting with them.
Weekly Homework
Each week, families are given homework assignments. These assignments help to keep your child on track and are based on what they are currently learning. Sometimes homework assignments are referred to as “In-kind” activities. In-kind activities represent the local effort around supporting the Head Start program. Each hour of In-kind activities is tallied and reported to demonstrate that there is support for the program.
Parent Meetings
Parent meetings are a good opportunity for families to network with one another. At each meeting, a wide variety of topics are discussed such as parenting skills, Conscious Discipline, community resources, healthy eating and more. Parent meetings are also an opportunity to give input about what is happening at each site. Parent meetings will be held monthly both in-person at classroom sites and via Zoom.
Policy Council
Similar to the school board of one of the local school districts, Head Start also has an advisory council called the Policy Council. Members of the Policy Council participate in shaping the program by giving input on all operations of the program including education, budgeting, enrollment and many others. Elections happen each year in October. If you may be interested in joining the Policy Council, please ask your teacher or home visitor for more information or call the Main office at (440) 993-7716 and ask to speak to someone about joining Policy Council.
Goal Setting
Setting goals for your child and family helps our staff know how to best support you. Child goal setting is done to assist children becoming school ready. Family goal setting is done to assist your family to accomplish things that you may want assistance with. Are you working on going back to school? Are you wondering how to sign up for assistance? Are you trying to figure out how to save money? Our family services staff is here to help you with that!